New year, enhanced career?

new year enhanced career title with person smiling looking down.

As we’ve entered the second month of 2024, and as motivation towards resolutions, albeit based on well intentions, begin to fade, many of us find ourselves thinking about the future and how to achieve our career goals.

Whether you’re seeking new challenges, better work-life balance, or a chance to pursue your passion, a new year can be the perfect time to embark on a new career journey. However, you might be thinking, ‘what are the steps to achieve this?’

In this blog, we’ll not only explore the reasons why you might consider a new career path, or whether you can improve your current work situation, but also provide practical tips on how to set realistic goals, make the best out your professional life in 2024.

Enhancing your current job.

While a fresh start in a new career is undeniably exciting, it’s essential to pause and consider whether there are opportunities for improvement within your current professional path. Before moving on, take the time to evaluate whether your current job or industry can be enhanced to better align with your aspirations.

Consider having open and honest conversations with your current employer about your goals, potential for growth, or the possibility of exploring new responsibilities. Sometimes, a shift in roles, additional training, such as an apprenticeship, or a change in work dynamics can breathe new life into your current career.

If there are no current opportunities for you to move roles within your current employment, consider things you could attempt to improve. Is it your work-life balance, your stress levels or are you not being challenged enough? Identifying these issues could help you gain clarity on how to start improving your time at work. It is also important to ensure you have other things you can enjoy outside of work such as a hobby or more social activities with friends and family, so you are not overly consumed by work in your personal life. This can help you switch off when you are not working so you feel more refreshed and revitalised for work.

Try not to overlook the potential for positive change in your existing position, as making incremental improvements might lead to increased job satisfaction and fulfilment without the need for a drastic career shift.

Wanting a new career?

If you are wanting to look for a new job, or even change your career path, the start of a new year is an excellent time to re-evaluate your passions and interests. What activities bring you joy and a sense of purpose? Identify the skills you enjoy using and the tasks that leave you feeling fulfilled. Your passion can be a powerful guide in choosing a new career that aligns with your values and goals. Here are some tips to help you plan for your next career move.

But also remember that it’s great to be passionate about your job, but equally, if you find the perfect job and employer to fit around your life and other passions, that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Assessing Your Skills and Learning Opportunities:

Once you have a clear understanding of your passions, assess your current skill set. Identify the skills that are transferable to a new career and those that may need development. Consider taking online courses, attending workshops, or pursuing certifications to enhance your skill set and make yourself more marketable in your desired field.

Researching Potential Career Paths:

Research is key when it comes to making a successful career transition. Explore different industries and job roles that align with your interests and skills. Network with professionals in your target field to gain insights into the industry, job market, and potential challenges. Informational interviews and networking events can provide valuable perspectives from those who have already made successful career changes.

Setting Realistic Goals and Creating a Plan:

Setting realistic and achievable goals is crucial when transitioning to a new career. Break down your larger goal into smaller, manageable steps. Create a timeline and action plan to guide you through the process. This may include updating your resume, building a professional online presence, and actively applying for relevant positions.

Leveraging Transferable Skills:

Highlighting your transferable skills is essential when making a career change. Showcase how your previous experiences have equipped you with the skills and qualities needed in your new field. Emphasize your adaptability, problem-solving abilities, and any relevant achievements that demonstrate your potential in the new role.

Embracing Challenges and Learning Opportunities:

A new career path often comes with its share of challenges. Embrace the learning curve and be open to new experiences. Seek feedback, be proactive in acquiring new skills, and stay resilient in the face of obstacles. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity for growth and development.

If you are looking for employment support to help you in 2024, Shaw Trust have a range of programmes and support services to guide you into a meaningful career path or enhance your current role.

With our free services, you can gain CV building skills, access to employers, ongoing in-work support from us and more.

Find out more information by visiting to enhance your career in 2024.